Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Tuesday - Thursday June 6th - 8th Days 94-96

Finals Tuesday - Thursday

Semester point (before Final) Breakdown:
1746 - 1563 A
1562 - 1388 B
1387 - 1213 C
1212 - 1038 D
1037 and below F
Final is worth 125 Points

Bell Schedule
Tuesday June 6th
Per 1    7:55 - 9:43
Brunch 9:48 - 9:58
Per 2    9:58 - 11:50

Wednesday June 7th
Per 3    7:55 - 9:43
Brunch 9:48 - 9:58
Per 4    9:58 - 11:50

Thursday June 8th
Per 5    7:55 - 9:43
Brunch 9:48 - 9:58
Per 6    9:58 - 11:50

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Monday June 5th Day 93

Dead Day

I waited til 11:00am Sunday to get the grades in for the chart and the relocation map, I will not make any changes after this point. The only exception are for students who missed class last week.

Things you can use on your final - 
- We watched 2 videos with questions early in the unit, those two charts can be used -Chart on the history of Capitalism/Adam Smith & Chart on Karl Marx

- You can use your Immigration Waves Chart as well

The final will cover World Geography - the list of actual items that will appear on the test Can be found here, or on the class website.
In addition there will be a section on Capitalism/Socialism, the Chinese Revolution (we did the presentation outline) and immigration.

The final will be 125 points (total) which means it accounts for 6.5 percent of your total grade

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Thursday & Friday June 1st & 2nd Days 91 & 92




OBJECTIVE: Students will examine the various philosophies surrounding economic and social relationships between the state and the individual, with particular focus on Adam Smith and Karl Marx.
Economic philosophes of each of these two men will be analyzed to determine their strengths and weaknesses

RATIONALE: Students need to understand the factors that impact the economic opportunities or limits that are presented to them as a member  of the American Economic system

EVIDENCE: By listing the various components of Capitalism, Socialism and Communism, students will gain a true understanding of the current economic system we live under and will become informed voters to either modify the system or reinforce its principles.


Your work today will be to download the Immigration history chart, make a copy then fill-in the table provided with the information from the 4 Immigration summary articles below. As you fill-in the chart, you will also use the map of the USA to identify where immigrants relocated within the USA.
The categories of the chart are:
1. List the country name that "sent" immigrants to America
2. List if the reason they left was a Push or Pull (push = immigrants forced out of their country, Pull = immigrants chose to leave)
3. Describe the Push Pull reason
4. List where they relocated in the US
5. List the types of jobs they had in America
Directions for Relocation Map

Waves of Immigration Student Chart
Pre-Wave Immigration Summary
1st Wave Immigration Summary