Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Wednesday & Thursday Aug 30 & 31st Days 11 & 12

Google Slides Introduction -

Google Slides/5 Themes of Geography

The next tool you will be introduced to is Google Slides. 1st we will watch the short video on using Google Slides, then we will have you build a sample slide using the various tools available. challenge slide for Google Slides (after slides demo)

(this is not an assignment, just a resource if you are interested in getting more info)

A great video of the features of Google drive presentation can be seen by following this link ( Presentation tool in Drive)
(this is not an assignment, just a resource if you are interested in getting more info)

Let's Play Kahoot as a Check on your 5 themes knowledge

Monday, August 28, 2017

Monday & Tuesday Aug 28th & 29th Days 9 & 10

Google Slides Introduction -

Google Slides/5 Themes of Geography

The next tool you will be introduced to is Google Slides. 1st we will watch the short video on using Google Slides, then we will have you build a sample slide using the various tools available. challenge slide for Google Slides (after slides demo)

(this is not an assignment, just a resource if you are interested in getting more info)

A great video of the features of Google drive presentation can be seen by following this link ( Presentation tool in Drive)
(this is not an assignment, just a resource if you are interested in getting more info)
A great video that explains the important design principles in making a presentation. There are additional directions to this video that explain certain features that are advanced, so pay close attention to this first few minutes and the ending summary ( design principles )
5 Themes of Geography Presentation (this will be used to build your 5 themes Project, AND is what your first test will cover)

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Thursday & Friday Aug 24th & 25th Days 7 & 8

Google Slides Introduction -

Google Slides/Textbook/Grit

The next tool you will be introduced to is Google Slides. 1st we will watch the short video on using Google Slides, then we will have you build a sample slide using the various tools available.

challenge slide for Google Slides (after slides demo)

Growth Mindset and Grit

Each student will take the Grit "test" to see where they place along the grit scale.
Grit Worksheet - ( grit worksheet )

Once that is finished we will watch a short video from Angela Duckworth
Video about Grit -Grit vid
Video Open Mindset - (vid)

Reflection - Reflection

Monday, August 21, 2017

Tuesday & Wednesday Aug 22nd & 23rd Days 5 & 6

Syllabus Link - Class Syllabus PDF version - Here

Step 1, organize your Drive and set it up for the semester

Setting up file structure for your sjusd acct - File Structure

Assignment sheet set-up... here is the formula for auto grade display (place this formula in the 1st cell of the Grade column. Once in place copy it down the length of the sheet to include all assignments)


3 Paragraphs about me assignment - Link
Submit to Google Classroom folder by the end of the Block
Make a copy and share with your partner
Use "comments" feature while reviewing your partner's answers
Review your partner's answers so you know how to introduce them to the class

Chapter 1 Questions #1-6 on Page 42 - Submit by Friday
Turn-in your signed syllabus form by Friday

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Monday Aug 21st Day 4

Syllabus Link - Class Syllabus PDF version - Here

Step 1, organize your Drive and set it up for the semester

Setting up file structure for your sjusd acct - File Structure

Assignment sheet set-up... here is the formula for auto grade display (place this formula in the 1st cell of the Grade column. Once in place copy it down the length of the sheet to include all assignments)


3 Paragraphs about me assignment - Link

Chapter 1 Questions #1-6 on Page 42

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Thursday - Friday Aug 17th & 18th Days 2 & 3

Syllabus Link - Class Syllabus PDF version - Here

Step 1, organize your Drive and set it up for the semester

Setting up file structure for your sjusd acct - File Structure

Assignment sheet set-up... here is the formula for auto grade display (place this formula in the 1st cell of the Grade column. Once in place copy it down the length of the sheet to include all assignments)


3 Paragraphs about me assignment - Link

Chapter 1 Questions #1-6 on Page 42