Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Tuesday & Wednesday Jan 30th & 31st Days 15 & 16

For Tuesday/Wednesday

Objective - Given a blank map with USA expansion territories identified, as well as resources of the historical expansion, students will be able to list and identify the westward expansion of the USA and the various treaties,wars, and or purchases that led to the modern borders of the USA (including Alaska and Hawaii)

Rationale - Most students know the various states within the USA, but are unfamiliar with how the USA acquired the land. Having a historical reference of how the USA went from 13 colonies to where we are today is basic knowledge everyone should know.

Evidence - By correctly listing and labeling the various land acquisitions of the USA, students will demonstrate the ability to articulate our countries historical growth
During this period you will be starting the USA Expansion Map and Google Doc assignment.
In addition we will be working on the California Regions Assignment

Make a copy of the Expansion Summary Chart to record the various stages of our expansion.
You should have also brought the USA expansion map. Color in the map and label the various section by their name (how the USA got them) and the year when they were acquired as I present the information.

USA Expansion Summary Chart -Here

In class video - California

California Regions Activity - California Regions Activity example (this is the example I will use in class, students shouldn't use this form. Use the one right below)

California Regions Student Worksheet - Student Worksheet (Yep, use this one for the assignment)

California Regions Map

Part 2 - Textbook Chapter 7 Regions of the United States - 

When you finish the California Regions Activity, use one of the textbooks in class to start Chapter 7 on USA Regions. Read the chapter and answer the questions on the following pages - Questions #1-5 on Page 160, Questions #1-5 On page 166, Questions 1-5 on Page 170, and Questions 1-5 on Page 175.  You do not need to re-write the questions, but make sure you clearly label which answers go with which set of questions.

Here is Chapter 7 in pdf format

This is a detailed animation video that explains the expansion of the USA in far more detail that you need for the chart activity. IF you want to watch it in class, you have to use headphones. This shouldn't be used for the chart. The chart is specifically developed with the presentation.

USA Animated Atlas (Expansion of the USA)  - here

Blank Maps - Blank Maps
List of Pol/Phy items for maps - List

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Monday Jan 29th Day 14

Assignments due Today 

 Current Events #2 

Current Events Mapping Monday's

Objective: Given access to a Chromebook, students will be able to access Google MyMaps App and a Google Drive based Current Events Template from the class Blog. Using the MyMaps app and the template, students will be able to look-up current events and summarize their selected story on the template. In addition students will be able to use the MyMaps app to plot the location of these current event stories. 

Rationale: Students need to utilize the tools taught to them to ensure the learning becomes a part of their skill set. In addition, students need to become geographical aware of the world around them.

Evidence: Filling-in the Current Events template as well as using MyMaps to plot the location of the stories, will demonstrate that students have acquired the basic skills of fulfilling the  assignment.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Thursday & Friday Jan 25th & 26th Days 12 & 13

 Today's schedule
Objective - Given a blank map with USA expansion territories identified, as well as resources of the historical expansion, students will be able to list and identify the westward expansion of the USA and the various treaties,wars, and or purchases that led to the modern borders of the USA (including Alaska and Hawaii)

Rationale - Most students know the various states within the USA, but are unfamiliar with how the USA acquired the land. Having a historical reference of how the USA went from 13 colonies to where we are today is basic knowledge everyone should know.

Evidence - By correctly listing and labeling the various land acquisitions of the USA, students will demonstrate the ability to articulate our countries historical growth

USA Expansion


Due this by Fri Night (per 1,3,5) Sat Night (per 2,6) :
Chapter 6 Textbook - p147 Q's 1-5,  p152 Q's 1-5 

Due next week:
Current Event #2
Chapter 7 Textbook - p160 Q's 1-5, p166 Q's 1-5, p170, Q's 1-5, p 175 Q's 1-5 

USA Expansion Chart - (Tuesday/Wed)

USA Expansion Map -(Tuesday/Wed)


For Next Week

During this period you will be completing the USA Expansion Map and Google Doc assignment. Use the link below to read about how the USA went from 13 colonies to where we are today. Make a copy of the Expansion Summary Chart to record the various stages of our expansion.
You should have also brought the USA expansion map. Color in the map and label the various section by their name (how the USA got them) and the year when they were acquired.

USA Expansion Activity Map - USA Expansion Map History
USA Expansion Detailed Info pdf - Here
USA Expansion Summary Chart -Here

In class video - California

California Regions Activity - California Regions Activity example (this is the example I will use in class, students shouldn't use this form. Use the one right below)

California Regions Student Worksheet - Student Worksheet (Yep, use this one for the assignment)
This is a detailed animation video that explains the expansion of the USA in far more detail that you need for the chart activity. IF you want to watch it in class, you have to use headphones. This shouldn't be used for the chart. The chart is specifically developed with the reading provided on the link above.

USA Animated Atlas (Expansion of the USA)  - here

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Tuesday & Wednesday Jan 23rd & 24th Days 10 & 11


 Today's schedule

Objective - Given a blank map with USA expansion territories identified, as well as resources of the historical expansion, students will be able to list and identify the westward expansion of the USA and the various treaties,wars, and or purchases that led to the modern borders of the USA (including Alaska and Hawaii)

Rationale - Most students know the various states within the USA, but are unfamiliar with how the USA acquired the land. Having a historical reference of how the USA went from 13 colonies to where we are today is basic knowledge everyone should know.

Evidence - By correctly listing and labeling the various land acquisitions of the USA, students will demonstrate the ability to articulate our countries historical growth

USA Expansion


Due this week:
How the States Got Their Names-(tues/wed)
Resource for State Names

Country Collage Presentations are Thursday and Friday this week

After Presentations...
USA Expansion Chart - (thursday/friday)
USA Expansion Map -(thursday/friday)
Chapter 6 Textbook - p147 Q's 1-5,  p152 Q's 1-5 (thursday/fri)

Due next week:
Current Event #2
Chapter 7 Textbook - p160 Q's 1-5, p166 Q's 1-5, p170, Q's 1-5, p 175 Q's 1-5 


For Next Week

During this period you will be completing the USA Expansion Map and Google Doc assignment. Use the link below to read about how the USA went from 13 colonies to where we are today. Make a copy of the Expansion Summary Chart to record the various stages of our expansion.
You should have also brought the USA expansion map. Color in the map and label the various section by their name (how the USA got them) and the year when they were acquired.

USA Expansion Activity Map - USA Expansion Map History
USA Expansion Detailed Info pdf - Here
USA Expansion Summary Chart -Here

In class video - California

California Regions Activity - California Regions Activity example (this is the example I will use in class, students shouldn't use this form. Use the one right below)

California Regions Student Worksheet - Student Worksheet (Yep, use this one for the assignment)
This is a detailed animation video that explains the expansion of the USA in far more detail that you need for the chart activity. IF you want to watch it in class, you have to use headphones. This shouldn't be used for the chart. The chart is specifically developed with the reading provided on the link above.

USA Animated Atlas (Expansion of the USA)  - here

Monday, January 22, 2018

Monday Jan 22nd Day 9

Assignments due Today 

 Current Events #1 

Current Events Mapping Monday's

Objective: Given access to a Chromebook, students will be able to access Google MyMaps App and a Google Drive based Current Events Template from the class Blog. Using the MyMaps app and the template, students will be able to look-up current events and summarize their selected story on the template. In addition students will be able to use the MyMaps app to plot the location of these current event stories. 

Rationale: Students need to utilize the tools taught to them to ensure the learning becomes a part of their skill set. In addition, students need to become geographical aware of the world around them.

Evidence: Filling-in the Current Events template as well as using MyMaps to plot the location of the stories, will demonstrate that students have acquired the basic skills of fulfilling the  assignment.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Thursday & Fridiay Jan 18th & 19th Days 7 & 8

Today's schedule:

We will go over the Culture Presentation and understand the various components of culture.

Culture Collage days 1-3

Given a chromebook with access to Google Docs, students will be able to build a culture collage poster representing 10 of 13 different culture categories with the use of images acquired through the web.
Rationale: Understanding the various aspects that make-up cultural uniqueness is essential to understanding one's historical cultural identify

Evidence: Being able to identify and explain the various traditional cultural artifacts that represent a culture will bring students a better understanding of their heritage.

Today's schedule- Thursday/Friday

Collage Posters need to be uploaded by today if you want me to print them out. The cost is $11.00, I will bring them to class next week (Tuesday/Wed). We will present the posters and the Puppet Fandango's on that day next week.  If you are printing out your own poster, it needs to be brought to class next week 1st Block day. In addition, plan on taking your USA Map test on that day as well. Your finished labeled/colored maps will be due when we take the test.


-Cultural Collage Directions        Cultural Fandango Directions
Cultural Collage and Fandango project


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Tuesday & Wednesday Jan 16th & 17th Days 5 & 6

Today's schedule:

We will go over the Culture Presentation and understand the various components of culture.

Culture Collage days 1-3

Given a chromebook with access to Google Docs, students will be able to build a culture collage poster representing 10 of 13 different culture categories with the use of images acquired through the web.
Rationale: Understanding the various aspects that make-up cultural uniqueness is essential to understanding one's historical cultural identify

Evidence: Being able to identify and explain the various traditional cultural artifacts that represent a culture will bring students a better understanding of their heritage.

Today's schedule- Tuesday/Wednesday

Introduction to Culture - (link)

Part 1 - Work on Collage

-Cultural Collage Directions        Cultural Fandango Directions
Cultural Collage and Fandango project


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Thursday and Friday Jan 11th & 12th Days 3 & 4

 Today's schedule:

Start working on the Culture Collage today (directions can be found below). Make sure you follow the directions. You will use Google Slides, you will make the canvas of the slide 20 inches wide by 30 inches tall.
*Make sure you use big pictures and scale them down as necessary, do not use small images and try to make them bigger or change their ratio (height to width relationship). Look around the classroom for examples of what the collage should look like.

And/or...work on your USA maps...they are not due until the test on the USA...which will not be for two weeks.

Culture Collage days 1-3

Given a chromebook with access to Google Docs, students will be able to build a culture collage poster representing 10 of 13 different culture categories with the use of images acquired through the web.
Rationale: Understanding the various aspects that make-up cultural uniqueness is essential to understanding one's historical cultural identify

Evidence: Being able to identify and explain the various traditional cultural artifacts that represent a culture will bring students a better understanding of their heritage.

Today's schedule- Tuesday/Wednesday

Introduction to Culture - (link)

Part 1 - Work on Collage

-Cultural Collage Directions        Cultural Fandango Directions
Cultural Collage and Fandango project


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Tuesday & Wednesday Jan 9th & 10th Days 1 & 2

Start of 2nd semester

Housekeeping issues for today -
New seating chart
Update the assignment sheet - Start a new one
Mapping Mondays - what does it mean, what are the expectations, etc
What Units are we covering for 2nd Semester?

 Today's schedule

Culture Collage days 1-3

Given a chromebook with access to Google Docs, students will be able to build a culture collage poster representing 10 of 13 different culture categories with the use of images acquired through the web.
Rationale: Understanding the various aspects that make-up cultural uniqueness is essential to understanding one's historical cultural identify

Evidence: Being able to identify and explain the various traditional cultural artifacts that represent a culture will bring students a better understanding of their heritage.

Today's schedule- Tuesday/Wednesday

Introduction to Culture - (link)

Part 1 - Work on Collage

-Cultural Collage Directions        Cultural Fandango Directions
Cultural Collage and Fandango project
