Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Friday Aug 14th Day 2

Course Syllabus -

Ethnic Studies 1,2

This is the Classroom Blog - you will log-in to this site each day when you arrive.

(Monday’s ) - these are shorter days the bell schedule changes on Monday’s. Monday’s are known as Mapping and Current Event Monday’s. Each Monday you will search and write a summary about two current events. There is a  Current Events Template that you will use to write-up your current event story.
In addition, you will establish a MyMaps (from world map to place the location of your current event.

Finish Intro presentation - 

Chromebook process of checkout and check-in
Chromebook/SJUSD  login

Step 1. Join Google Classroom
Step 2. organize your Drive and set it up for the semester

Setting up file structure for your sjusd acct - File Structure

Assignment sheet set-up... here is the formula for auto-grade display (place this formula in the 1st cell of the Grade column. Once in place copy it down the length of the sheet to include all assignments)


4 Paragraphs about me assignment - Link (start Monday if we don't get to it in class)