Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday& Tuesday Feb 29th & March 1st (special schedule this week, Friday/Monday Bell schedule switched) Day 29 & 30

OBJECTIVE: Given a chromebook with access to the internet as well as access to their Google drive acct, students will research data about their selected country and fill-in a data sheet. This data sheet will be used to build an Infographic on a Poster Board

Given a chromebook with access to the internet, student will record information presented in a powerpoint and fill-in a data chart for the various stages of a "Democratic Transition Model"

RATIONALE: Students need to understand the key population components that are present in each country to understand their challenges as it relates to advancing along the Demographic Transition Model sequence from a lower stage country to a more modern stage country.

Students need to understand the various causes/forces which propel a country along the various stages of economic and social development within a Democratic Transition Model process

EVIDENCE: By filling in the chart, students will become demonstrate the ability to locate specific data from a data packet, translate that data into a graph or chart, and then display that data in an Infographic for easier understanding.

By filling in their chart, students will be able to identify how demographers classify countries along the Demographic Transition Model, and will be able to identify where "their country" (the one they selected as part of the Infographic project) is located. 


Journal: If the world's current population growth percent would cause famine, starvation, rioting, and general chaos, what rule would you institute to control population growth?
(Devise a law/policy that could be applied to everyone on the earth as it relates to two things: consumption of water and reproduction)
Today we will start with the Demographic Transition Model Presentation (stages 3-5)
( Here is a pdf version in case you want to have it on your laptop as I am presenting it) Demographic Transition Model Presentation

Each student will select a country to create their population pyramid and infographic.

DTM - Stages Explained

Hans Rosling - DTM Stages TED talk
This short video will be followed by a short TED conference video from Hans Rosling about the Population Growing Box by Box - Population Growth Box by Box

Population Causes and Consequences
Copy this article and follow the directions regarding summarizing each paragraph
Population Causes and Consequences


Gates Annual Letter Gates Letter

Boundless Malthus theory Malthus

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thursday & Friday Feb 25th & 26th Days 27 & 28

OBJECTIVE: Given a chromebook with access to the internet as well as access to their Google drive acct, students will research data about their selected country and fill-in a data sheet. This data sheet will be used to build an Infographic on a Poster Board

Given a chromebook with access to the internet, student will record information presented in a powerpoint and fill-in a data chart for the various stages of a "Democratic Transition Model"

RATIONALE: Students need to understand the key population components that are present in each country to understand their challenges as it relates to advancing along the Demographic Transition Model sequence from a lower stage country to a more modern stage country.

Students need to understand the various causes/forces which propel a country along the various stages of economic and social development within a Democratic Transition Model process

EVIDENCE: By filling in the chart, students will become demonstrate the ability to locate specific data from a data packet, translate that data into a graph or chart, and then display that data in an Infographic for easier understanding.

By filling in their chart, students will be able to identify how demographers classify countries along the Demographic Transition Model, and will be able to identify where "their country" (the one they selected as part of the Infographic project) is located. 
Today we will start with the Demographic Transition Model Presentation (stages 1-20
( Here is a pdf version in case you want to have it on your laptop as I am presenting it) Demographic Transition Model Presentation

Population Growth Video

Step 1 - copy this DTM Graphic into a new blank doc in your Drive
DTM - Chart Image
Population Pyramids Image
 (open a new Doc, paste the Image, and then make a table (below it) with 6 columns and 6 rows)
( your page should look like this when done)DTM Chart
As I am presenting information, make sure you are taking notes. You will fill-in the chart with information from the presentation.

Population Pyramids (after Stage 1 has been filled-in on the table)

Each student will select a country to create their population pyramid and infographic.

Hans Rosling - DTM Stages TED talk
This short video will be followed by a short TED conference video from Hans Rosling about the Population Growing Box by Box - Population Growth Box by Box


Gates Annual Letter Gates Letter

Boundless Malthus theory Malthus

Monday, February 22, 2016

Tuesday & Wednesday Feb 23rd & 24th Days 25 & 26

China's One Child Policy

Objective: Given access to several primary source materials dealing with the various components effecting the One Child Policy in China, students will be able to explain with supporting detail their opinion on if the policy was a good idea or a bad idea, using a chart to identify the various strengths and weaknesses of the system.

Rationale: Overpopulation is a very real issue affecting the world today, and will become a bigger issue for countries if they are unable to support their population. China faced this real problem in the 1980's, and students should understand the decision china took and the consequences (both good and bad) for those decisions.

Evidence: By arguing through evidence that the One Child Policy was good or bad, the student will demonstrate their understanding of the various factors which went into the Policy and the effects of its implementation.

The below assignments will be due During the Next class block (Thursday/Friday). The block Thursday and Friday will be dedicated to completing the Digital version of the Infographic.



Step 1:(finished before the break)
We will start with the intro chart. each table (4 people) will collectively answer the chart with their opinions as to the Pro/Con of each category on the chart as it relates to  the One-Child Policy.
China One Child Policy Introduction Chart - Intro Chart Assignment

One  the chart has been filled-in, tables will share-out their answers and compare to the rest of the class.

Step 2:(finished before the break)
The next step in the process is to watch the short Video on the One Child Policy
One Child Policy Video -  DTM and the One Child Policy
When watching this video, student will be required to take notes regarding the details of the Policy. Within the video the narrator shows several presentation slides with information each student should copy down in their Population notes.

Step 3:(finished before the break)
After the video students will then access the One Child Policy Essay and Questions. These questions can be discussed at your table. China One Policy Intro Essay & Questions - Intro Article regarding One Child Policy

Step 4: Students will split up responsibilities at their table with each student being assigned a separate DBQ document. Each document has a reading and questions. Each student will be responsible for their assigned documents and questions. When finished each table should share their findings and discuss the main theme of the document.

Answer these questions on a new Google Doc - We are going to jigsaw the first Document.
1st: Each person at the table will be assigned a letter A, B, C, or D.
2nd: all students will answer the questions on Docs E, F and G.
3rd: students will return to their original tables and share out the info from the 1st doc they did at their assigned table (Docs A-D).
4th: At this point, each student will have the information for all 7 documents
5th: Collectively, the table will determine how to group the articles into 3 cells within a table -Grouping Chart.

Doc A
Doc B
Doc C
Doc D
Doc E
Doc F
Doc G

Step 5: The last step is to read and answer the last "summary" article regarding the One Child Policy - Additional Information Article & Q's

Today's work will be turned-in as 1 Google document
- Answers to the 4 assigned "letter" articles
-Grouping Chart
-Additional Information Article

Population Background Video

Population Overview video - website population growth over time.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Monday Feb 22nd Day 24

 Today's schedule

Correct Europe Political and Physical Test

The point total on your assignment sheet including the test should = 613

Objective - Given a set of blank maps, and a list of political and physical items, students will be able to access on-line atlases to locate and properly list the items within a defined country/continent using the proper mapping techniques learned in class.

Rationale - Students current geographical awareness is sorely lacking, and this activity will assists in changing that deficiency

Evidence - By correctly listing and labeling the various geographical items on a map, students will demonstrate their understanding of where items are located.

Current Events #9 #10 due next Monday

Continuation of Population Unit starts Tuesday

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Thursday and Friday Feb 11th & 12th Days 22 & 23

Europe Mapping Test Day

Make sure you turn-in your Europe Maps and the Population Assignment into the Google Classroom

Have a relaxing Break

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Tuesday & Wednesday Feb 9th & 10th Days 20 & 21

China's One Child Policy

Objective: Given access to several primary source materials dealing with the various components effecting the One Child Policy in China, students will be able to explain with supporting detail their opinion on if the policy was a good idea or a bad idea, using a chart to identify the various strengths and weaknesses of the system.

Rationale: Overpopulation is a very real issue affecting the world today, and will become a bigger issue for countries if they are unable to support their population. China faced this real problem in the 1980's, and students should understand the decision china took and the consequences (both good and bad) for those decisions.

Evidence: By arguing through evidence that the One Child Policy was good or bad, the student will demonstrate their understanding of the various factors which went into the Policy and the effects of its implementation.

The below assignments will be due During the Next class block (Thursday/Friday). The block Thursday and Friday will be dedicated to completing the Digital version of the Infographic.



Step 1:
We will start with the intro chart. each table (4 people) will collectively answer the chart with their opinions as to the Pro/Con of each category on the chart as it relates to  the One-Child Policy.
China One Child Policy Introduction Chart - Intro Chart Assignment

One  the chart has been filled-in, tables will share-out their answers and compare to the rest of the class.

Step 2:
The next step in the process is to watch the short Video on the One Child Policy
One Child Policy Video -  DTM and the One Child Policy
When watching this video, student will be required to take notes regarding the details of the Policy. Within the video the narrator shows several presentation slides with information each student should copy down in their Population notes.

Step 3:
After the video students will then access the One Child Policy Essay and Questions. These questions can be discussed at your table. China One Policy Intro Essay & Questions - Intro Article regarding One Child Policy

Step 4: Students will split up responsibilities at their table with each student being assigned a separate DBQ document. Each document has a reading and questions. Each student will be responsible for their assigned documents and questions. When finished each table should share their findings and discuss the main theme of the document.
Doc A
Doc B
Doc C
Doc D
Doc E
Doc F
Doc G

Step 5: Once this is completed, students will group the document based on a common theme into sections of the chart  - Grouping Chart - Grouping Chart. This activity will allow students to group similar ideas addressing the One Child Policy.

Step 6: The last step is to read and answer the last "summary" article regarding the One Child Policy - Part 2 Article & Q's

All assignments will be turned-in as one doc when we are finished.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Monday Feb 8th, Day 19

Mapping Monday

 Today's schedule

Objective - Given a set of blank maps, and a list of political and physical items, students will be able to access on-line atlases to locate and properly list the items within a defined country/continent using the proper mapping techniques learned in class.

Rationale - Students current geographical awareness is sorely lacking, and this activity will assists in changing that deficiency

Evidence - By correctly listing and labeling the various geographical items on a map, students will demonstrate their understanding of where items are located.

Is this how we see the Far East?

Current Events #7, #8 Are due today.

Europe Test is scheduled for Thursday and Friday this week.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Thursday & Friday Feb 4th & 5th Day 17 & 18

Collage Presentations

We will start the class by presenting the collages at each table.

5 C's Link to Global Citizenship Document - ( here )

China's One Child Policy

Objective: Given access to several primary source materials dealing with the various components effecting the One Child Policy in China, students will be able to explain with supporting detail their opinion on if the policy was a good idea or a bad idea, using a chart to identify the various strengths and weaknesses of the system.

Rationale: Overpopulation is a very real issue affecting the world today, and will become a bigger issue for countries if they are unable to support their population. China faced this real problem in the 1980's, and students should understand the decision china took and the consequences (both good and bad) for those decisions.

Evidence: By arguing through evidence that the One Child Policy was good or bad, the student will demonstrate their understanding of the various factors which went into the Policy and the effects of its implementation.

The below assignments will be due During the Next class block (Thursday/Friday). The block Thursday and Friday will be dedicated to completing the Digital version of the Infographic.


Journal: Is it important to understand how and why other people do the things they do? Why


Step 1:
We will start with the intro chart. each table (4 people) will collectively answer the chart with their opinions as to the Pro/Con of each category on the chart as it relates to  the One-Child Policy.
China One Child Policy Introduction Chart - Intro Chart Assignment

One  the chart has been filled-in, tables will share-out their answers and compare to the rest of the class.

Step 2:
The next step in the process is to watch the short Video on the One Child Policy
One Child Policy Video -  DTM and the One Child Policy
When watching this video, student will be required to take notes regarding the details of the Policy. Within the video the narrator shows several presentation slides with information each student should copy down in their Population notes.

Step 3:
After the video students will then access the One Child Policy Essay and Questions. These questions can be discussed at your table. China One Policy Intro Essay & Questions - Intro Article regarding One Child Policy

Step 4: Students will split up responsibilities at their table with each student being assigned a separate DBQ document. Each document has a reading and questions. Each student will be responsible for their assigned documents and questions. When finished each table should share their findings and discuss the main theme of the document.
Doc A
Doc B
Doc C
Doc D
Doc E
Doc F
Doc G

Step 5: Once this is completed, students will group the document based on a common theme into sections of the chart  - Grouping Chart - Grouping Chart. This activity will allow students to group similar ideas addressing the One Child Policy.

Step 6: The last step is to read and answer the last "summary" article regarding the One Child Policy - Part 2 Article & Q's

All assignments will be turned-in as one "Shared Doc" when we are finished.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Tuesday Wednesday Feb 2nd & 3rd, Days 15 & 16

Population Control

 Due Today: The first section of the Block you will finish and submit the work assigned Thursday/Friday:
Should we limit population Article and Questions - Article & Questions

World Data Sheet questions - ( here )
World Data Resource packet - ( here )

7 Billion Annotation Article -  ( here )

Once you have finished the above article, we will start the China One Child Policy Section.

China's One Child Policy

Objective: Given access to several primary source materials dealing with the various components effecting the One Child Policy in China, students will be able to explain with supporting detail their opinion on if the policy was a good idea or a bad idea, using a chart to identify the various strengths and weaknesses of the system.

Rationale: Overpopulation is a very real issue effecting the world today, and will become a bigger issue for countries if they are unable to support their population. China faced this real problem in the 1980's, and students should understand the decision china took and the consequences (both good and bad) for those decisions.

Evidence: By arguing through evidence that the One Child Policy was good or bad, the student will demonstrate their understanding of the various factors which went into the Policy and the effects of its implementation.

The below assignments will be due During the Next class block (Thursday/Friday). The block Thursday and Friday will be dedicated to completing the Digital version of the Infographic.


Journal: If food could be modified to produce a larger yield and feed starving people, but could have some negative effects because it hasn't been fully it ok to use that food without the starving people knowing where it came from, or that is was genetically modified?
GMO Infographic ( what is a GMO)


Step 1:
We will start with the intro chart. each table (4 people) will collectively answer the chart with their opinions as to the Pro/Con of each category on the chart as it relates to  the One-Child Policy.
China One Child Policy Introduction Chart - Intro Chart Assignment

One  the chart has been filled-in, tables will share-out their answers and compare to the rest of the class.

Step 2:
The next step in the process is to watch the short Video on the One Child Policy
One Child Policy Video -  DTM and the One Child Policy
When watching this video, student will be required to take notes regarding the details of the Policy. Within the video the narrator shows several presentation slides with information each student should copy down in their Population notes.

Step 3:
After the video students will then access the One Child Policy Essay and Questions. These questions can be discussed at your table. China One Policy Intro Essay & Questions - Intro Article regarding One Child Policy

Step 4: Students will split up responsibilities at their table with each student being assigned a separate DBQ document. Each document has a reading and questions. Each student will be responsible for their assigned documents and questions. When finished each table should share their findings and discuss the main theme of the document.
Doc A
Doc B
Doc C
Doc D
Doc E
Doc F
Doc G

Step 5: Once this is completed, students will group the document based on a common theme into sections of the chart  - Grouping Chart - Grouping Chart. This activity will allow students to group similar ideas addressing the One Child Policy.

Step 6: The last step is to read and answer the last "summary" article regarding the One Child Policy - Part 2 Article & Q's

All assignments will be turned-in as one "Shared Doc" when we are finished.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Monday Jan 1st Day 14


 Today's schedule

With the spread of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, dramatic changes began to occur in the populations of industrializing countries. But do the changes that occurred in Western Europe and the United States have relevance for modern countries just entering the industrial age? Students should be able to evaluate and apply models to explain changes in global demographic patterns, and use their assessments to predict future needs.

To understand the classic demographic transition (DT) model
To explain assumptions and limitations of the classic DT model
To construct graphs of contemporary demographic change
To explain contemporary demographic patterns in the context of the classic DT model

Rationale - Students current understanding of the global population growth and its effects on available resources is very limited. This unit will allow students to acquire information to help understand the challenges countries face when it comes to population controls

Evidence - By correctly listing the challenges countries have the different solutions offered to solve those challenges, will allow students to demonstrate evidence that their know the challenges facing their future.

Mapping Monday - Current Event #5 and #6 are due today.