Population Control
Due Today: The first section of the Block you will finish and submit the work assigned Thursday/Friday:
Should we limit population Article and Questions - Article & Questions
World Data Sheet questions - ( here )
World Data Resource packet - ( here )
7 Billion Annotation Article - ( here )
Once you have finished the above article, we will start the China One Child Policy Section.
Objective: Given access to several primary source materials dealing with the various components effecting the One Child Policy in China, students will be able to explain with supporting detail their opinion on if the policy was a good idea or a bad idea, using a chart to identify the various strengths and weaknesses of the system.
Should we limit population Article and Questions - Article & Questions
World Data Sheet questions - ( here )
World Data Resource packet - ( here )
7 Billion Annotation Article - ( here )
Once you have finished the above article, we will start the China One Child Policy Section.
China's One Child Policy
Objective: Given access to several primary source materials dealing with the various components effecting the One Child Policy in China, students will be able to explain with supporting detail their opinion on if the policy was a good idea or a bad idea, using a chart to identify the various strengths and weaknesses of the system.
Rationale: Overpopulation is a very real issue effecting the world today, and will become a bigger issue for countries if they are unable to support their population. China faced this real problem in the 1980's, and students should understand the decision china took and the consequences (both good and bad) for those decisions.
Evidence: By arguing through evidence that the One Child Policy was good or bad, the student will demonstrate their understanding of the various factors which went into the Policy and the effects of its implementation.
The below assignments will be due During the Next class block (Thursday/Friday). The block Thursday and Friday will be dedicated to completing the Digital version of the Infographic.
The below assignments will be due During the Next class block (Thursday/Friday). The block Thursday and Friday will be dedicated to completing the Digital version of the Infographic.
Journal: If food could be modified to produce a larger yield and feed starving people, but could have some negative effects because it hasn't been fully tested......is it ok to use that food without the starving people knowing where it came from, or that is was genetically modified?
GMO Infographic ( what is a GMO)
Step 1:We will start with the intro chart. each table (4 people) will collectively answer the chart with their opinions as to the Pro/Con of each category on the chart as it relates to the One-Child Policy.
China One Child Policy Introduction Chart - Intro Chart Assignment
One the chart has been filled-in, tables will share-out their answers and compare to the rest of the class.
Step 2:
The next step in the process is to watch the short Video on the One Child Policy
One Child Policy Video - DTM and the One Child Policy
When watching this video, student will be required to take notes regarding the details of the Policy. Within the video the narrator shows several presentation slides with information each student should copy down in their Population notes.
Step 3:
After the video students will then access the One Child Policy Essay and Questions. These questions can be discussed at your table. China One Policy Intro Essay & Questions - Intro Article regarding One Child Policy
Step 4: Students will split up responsibilities at their table with each student being assigned a separate DBQ document. Each document has a reading and questions. Each student will be responsible for their assigned documents and questions. When finished each table should share their findings and discuss the main theme of the document.
Doc A
Doc B
Doc C
Doc D
Doc E
Doc F
Doc G
Step 5: Once this is completed, students will group the document based on a common theme into sections of the chart - Grouping Chart - Grouping Chart. This activity will allow students to group similar ideas addressing the One Child Policy.
Step 6: The last step is to read and answer the last "summary" article regarding the One Child Policy - Part 2 Article & Q's
All assignments will be turned-in as one "Shared Doc" when we are finished.