Monday, February 25, 2019

Tuesday & Wed Feb 26th & 27th Days 30 & 31

Demographic Transition Model &

China's One Child Policy

Objective: Given access to several primary source materials dealing with the various components affecting the One Child Policy in China, students will be able to explain with supporting detail their opinion on if the policy was a good idea or a bad idea, using a chart to identify the various strengths and weaknesses of the system.

Rationale: Overpopulation is a very real issue affecting the world today, and will become a bigger issue for countries if they are unable to support their population. China faced this real problem in the 1980's, and students should understand the decision china took and the consequences (both good and bad) for those decisions.

Evidence: By arguing through evidence that the One Child Policy was good or bad, the student will demonstrate their understanding of the various factors which went into the Policy and the effects of its implementation.

Next we will have you take a stand on 18 population-related questions, once you have finished the first assignment, you will select one statement of the 18, and on a separate doc, write a paragraph explaining your position on the statement.

18 Statements Agree or Disagree

For Tuesday/Wed

Once you have finished finding the answers and placing them in the doc, submit your answers to the Google Classroom folder.

Demographic Transition Model Article
Student answer form for DTM Article

Video about the various stages of demographic transition ( I will show this in class, please do not click it)

When this is finished I will deliver a presentation that you will follow and fill-in the chart we made befor the break.