Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Tuesday & Wednesday Feb 11th & 12th Days 25 & 26

Today's schedule

LATIN AMERICA POL/PHY TEST (turn-in your maps)

Chapter 13 Section #1 Page 271 Q's 1-5, Section #2 Page P 276 Q's 1-5, and Section #3 Page 281 Q's 1-5 (for Wed (per 1,3)/Thursday(per 2,4,6) Night)

Chapters 10-13 Culture test is Thursday (per 1,3)/Friday (per 2,4,6)
Each student will be allowed 1 page of notes (handwritten) for the Chapter 10-13 Google Form Test. The Culture portion will be short answer.

Culture Collage Due Friday night (submit as a Google Slide into Google Classroom, PLUS save a copy and download it as a jpg file

Culture Unit


Given a chromebook with access to Google Docs, students will be able to build a culture collage poster representing 10 of 13 different culture categories with the use of images acquired through the web.
Rationale: Understanding the various aspects that make-up cultural uniqueness is essential to understanding one's historical cultural identify

Evidence: Being able to identify and explain the various traditional cultural artifacts that represent a culture will bring students a better understanding of their heritage.
