Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tuesday & Wednesday March 31st & April 1st, Days 55 & 56


Rwanda Genocide Scavenger Hunt

Print-out and bring to class these resources for the Thursday/Friday class -

Imperialism Advertisement and Colonization Map.

Objective: Provided  a blank map of Africa, students will be able to identify the various territories colonized by various European countries, while listing both positive and negative consequences to both colonized people and the colonizing country from a Primary Document DBQ exercise.
Secondary: Provided information regarding both the benefits and losses to the colonized people, students will be able to devise an advertisement expressing the reasons why a country should or shouldn't engage in colonization, in the form of a persuasive advertisement.

Rationale: Understanding the past colonization of current African nations will assist students in understanding the current cultural practices exhibited in Independent African Nations.
Secondary: Understanding that colonization/imperialism has both positive and negative consequences for both colonizing/imperialistic country as well as the one being colonized/imperialized, allows students to see the concept form multiple perspectives.

Evidence: By coloring-in and identifying African nations based on their colonizers, students will gain a better understanding of some of the current cultural characteristics such as religion, language, transportation systems, etc.
Secondary: Having students create an advertisement will make them think about the effects of one nation controlling another and how those actions are presented and received as either a cost or benefit to both countries.



Imperialism Advertisement Directions - Its not just an image with a message, its a short summary of why people should vote for your side (pro or con). Make sure you explain (in written form) why voting for your side would be the right choice. Try to avoid using the word Imperialism or Colonialism. It is better to use more emotional words such as Intervene, Dominate, Assist, Help, Control, Subjugate, etc. The ad is supposed to evoke an emotion and get your audience to agree with your message. The commercials about "helping starving people in Africa" is a good example of using emotional images and words to convince you to take action. Remember you are "selling an idea" and trying to get your audience to agree with you (which in this case means a vote to stop before your country uses imperialism on another country OR a vote to engage in imperialistic actions for the benefit of another country)


African Imperialism Map Information 

Africa Colonization presentation - Colonization of Africa

Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday March 30th Day 54

Today is Mapping Monday

Due Today (Share and upload to Google Classroom)

P2_LastName_CurrentEvents9 (the 9 = week #9)

Today's Assignments

This includes 2 (current event) stories.
1- needs to be within Africa and 1 needs to be from somewhere else.

Make sure you are making progress on your Africa Political and Physical Maps - your test on those maps is Thursday/Friday April 9/10 

Please make sure you follow the format for Current Events - full credit will only be given if you clearly express your opinion of the event and why you chose to write on it.

Objective: Each student will be able to identify a current event story, summarize its key components into a summary paragraph, as well as plotting the location of the story on a map of the country in which it occurred.

Rationale: Students need to gain a better understanding of events occurring around the world and where those places are located.

Evidence: By summarizing a story and plotting it on a map, students will show evidence of a global perspective on events affecting the world beyond their immediate surrounding.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thursday & Friday March 26th & 27th Days 51 & 52

Thursday Friday March 26th & 27th

Objective: Provided  a blank map of Africa, students will be able to identify the various territories colonized by various European countries, while listing both positive and negative consequences to both colonized people and the colonizing country from a Primary Document DBQ exercise.

Rationale: Understanding the past colonization of current African nations will assist students in understanding the current cultural practices exhibited in Independent African Nations

Evidence: By coloring-in and identifying African nations based on their colonizers, students will gain a better understanding of some of the current cultural characteristics such as religion, language, transportation systems, etc.

Berlin Conference

The second presentation will cover the Berlin Conf and the splitting-up of Africa - Here
This ppt will also contain information that will be used to color and identify the Splitting-up of Africa
You will access the Colonial Map of Africa and identify the various colonies established by each country -Blank Africa Colonization Map


British Opinion regarding Imperialism


Imperialism DBQ

After the Map has been identified each student will answer a quick little Survey - Here
The answers to this survey should help students think about the concept of Imperialism from a moral perspective.

Next students will answer questions on several primary documents. This assignment will be saved as
Introduction Document -Background
Document A -Here
Document B - Here
Document C - Here
Document D - Here
Document E - Here
Document F - Here

Monday, March 23, 2015

Tuesday & Wednesday March 24th and 25th Days 49 & 50

Print out and bring this map with you for Thursday/Friday class

Blank Berlin Conf Map Map Here

Continuation of Indust Revo and Berlin Conf video's and articles

Objective: Provided  2 opposing viewpoints on Imperialism (one supporting and one condemning) students will evaluate the positive and negative outcomes of imperialism and argue through a single page "advertisement" warning or supporting imperialism to to population of a fictitious country. 

Rationale: It is important for students to understand that imperialism has two faces, one can be seen for its benefits the other through it exploitation. Its not all good or all bad, and students should be able to identify those attributes.

Evidence: By making a single page advertisement, students will demonstrate an understanding of why imperialism  can be seen as a benefit or a burden on a society.


Here is the Intro reading to the Situation in Africa (this was assigned last week) - Here


Berlin Conference

After the reading a follow-up short video will be watched to make sure everyone undertands the circumstances that led to the Berlin Conference, as well as the outcome. Here

Questionnaires for both videos (you should have the 1st half of these answered from last week) -  Here

Once the Video is finished you should upload your answers to the Class room Folder assignment in Google Classroom

Imperialism Pro-Con & Advertisement Project

The students will be broken into pairs. (students sitting at an even number will be assigned the paragraph by Paul Leroy-Beilieu, and the students sitting in odd numbered seats will be assigned the paragraph by Mark Twain)

Students will be partnered based on their numbers. Odd number pairings (1,3) (5,7) (9,11) (13,15) (17,19) (21,23) (25,27) (29,31) (33,35) Even Number pairings (2,4) (6,8) (10,12) (14,16) (18,20) (22,24) (26,28) (30,32) (34,36)

Even numbered students - “The Desirability of  Imperialism” by Paul Leroy-Beilieu.  -Here

Odd numbered students - Mark Twain’s brief piece condemning Imperialism. - Here

Project - the paragraph you were assigned has 3 pages. The 1st page is the paragraph regarding imperialism, the 2nd page is the 3 questions you need to answer and submit to Google Classroom. The 3rd page contains lots of details/examples that can be used when creating your project.

Your Project is to create an advertisement promoting or discouraging (based on which paragraph you were assigned) the idea of Imperialism. Imagine being citizens of a fictitious country.  A campaign has begun to consider colonizing another country. The decision will be decided based on a vote from the population.
Use the information presented in the paragraph as well as the supporting details to devise a 8.5 X 11 presentation page to convince the public your side is right.  Think of it as an advertisement in a magazine, and you are trying to sell a product (like a car advertisement) OR convince people they should never buy it (like an ad explaining all the harmful effects of  cigarettes).
Be creative, use graphics, and other tools you have used in the past. Look-up examples of advertisements and steal some of the ideas you like.

Monday March 23rd Day 48

Today is Mapping Monday

Due Today (Share and upload to Google Classroom)

P2_LastName_CurrentEvents8 (the 8 = week #8)

Today's Assignments

This includes 2 (current event) stories.
1- needs to be within Europe and 1 needs to be from somewhere else.

Please make sure you follow the format for Current Events - full credit will only be given if you clearly express your opinion of the event and why you chose to write on it.



Africa - We start the Africa Map portion today. To get the blank Africa Maps - Here
To get the list of Political and Physical features - Here

Objective: Each student will be able to identify a current event story, summarize its key components into a summary paragraph, as well as plotting the location of the story on a map of the country in which it occurred.

Rationale: Students need to gain a better understanding of events occurring around the world and where those places are located.

Evidence: By summarizing a story and plotting it on a map, students will show evidence of a global perspective on events affecting the world beyond their immediate surrounding.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Thursday & Friday March 19th & 20th Days 46 & 47

Europe Test Day

Today we will start the class by playing the Kahoot Europe Review game. Once finished we will take the test. When students finish the test, they should continue to work on the Advertisment project as part of their Imperialsim Unit.

Objective: Provided  a Kahoot Game review for Europe, students will be able to identify through the Kahoot Game, various political and physical places and features of Europe.

Rationale: Its always good to play review games prior to a test to see what you know and what you still need to study.

Evidence: By playing the game students will see a preview of the test and will be able to confirm the stuff they know and see where they fall short


Imperialism Pro-Con & Advertisement Project

The students will be broken into pairs. (students sitting at an even number will be assigned the paragraph by Paul Leroy-Beilieu, and the students sitting in odd numbered seats will be assigned the paragraoh by Mark Twain)

Students will be partnered based on their numbers. Odd number pairings (1,3) (5,7) (9,11) (13,15) (17,19) (21,23) (25,27) (29,31) (33,35) Even Number pairings (2,4) (6,8) (10,12) (14,16) (18,20) (22,24) (26,28) (30,32) (34,36)

Even numbered studens - “The Desirability of  Imperialism” by Paul Leroy-Beilieu.  -Here

Odd numbered students - Mark Twain’s brief piece condemning Imperialism. - Here

Project - the paragraph you were assigned has 3 pages. The 1st page is the paragraph regarding imperialism, Rhe 2nd page is the 3 questions you need to answer and submit to Google Classroom. The 3rd page conatins lots of details/examples that can be used when creating your project.

Your Project is to create an advertisement promoting or discouraging (based on which paragaph you were assigned) the idea of Imperialsim. Image being citizens of a ficticious country.  A campaign has begun to consider colonizing another country. The decsion will be decided based on a vote from the population.
Use the information presented in the paragraph as well as the supporting details to devise a 8.5 X 11 presentation page to convince the public your side is right.  Think of it as an advertisement in a magazine, and you are trying to sell a product (like a car advertisement) OR convince people they should never buy it (like an ad explaining all the harmful effects of  cigarettes).
Be creative, use graphics, and other tools you have used in the past. Look-up examples of advertisements and steal some of the ideas you like.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Tuesday & Wednesday March 17th & 18th Days 44 & 45

Imperialism and its effects on Africa

Objective: Provided  2 opposing viewpoints on Imperialism (one supporting and one condemning) students will evaluate the positive and negative outcomes of imperialism and argue through a single page "advertisement" warning or supporting imperialism to to population of a fictitious country. 

Rationale: It is important for students to understand that imperialism has two faces, one can be seen for its benefits the other through it exploitation. Its not all good or all bad, and students should be able to identify those attributes.

Evidence: By making a single page advertisement, students will demonstrate an understanding of why imperialism  can be seen as a benefit or a burden on a society.

“Every empire seeks as its
imperialistic mission not to 
plunder and control but to 
educate and liberate." 

 “The truth is that 
imperialism was never 
idealistic. It has always been 
driven by economic or 
strategic interests.”

Which of these two passages do you find to be most true?
Why do you feel this way?


The class will begin with the Crash Course video on the Industrial Revolution which will identify the circumstances which led to the desire to exploit Africa for its Natural Resources - Here

Students will fill-in this questionnaire while watching Crash Course -Here this will also be used for answering the African Imperialism questions.


Berlin Conference

Once the video is finished, the class will read a summary of how Africa was divided based on the Berlin Conference - Here Students should put a copy of this reading into their drive and "Annotate/Underline" key information pieces of the reading. There are no questions to answer on the article but it contains lots of key points.

After the reading a follow-up short video will be watched to make sure everyone undertands the circumstances that led to the Berlin Conference, as well as the outcome. Here

Next students will access the Colonial Map of Africa and identify the various colonies established by each country -Blank Africa Colonization Map


After the maps are finished....

The students will be broken into pairs.
Half of the pairs will read one of the readings, and the other half will read the other.

“The Desirability of  Imperialism” by Paul Leroy-Beilieu.  -Here

 Mark Twain’s brief piece condemning Imperialism. - Here

Project - from the information presented in your article, the student pairs will create an advertisement promoting or discouraging the decision for their country (a fictitious country that you are a citizen of) to begin steps to colonize a new land.
Use the information presented in the article to devise a 8.5 X 11 presentation page to convince the public your side is right.  Think of it as an advertisement in a magazine, and you are trying to sell a product (like a car advertisement) OR convince people they should never buy it (like an ad explaining all the harmful effects of  cigarettes).
Be creative, use graphics, and other tools you have used in the past. Look-up examples of advertisements and steal some of the ideas you like.



Sunday, March 15, 2015

Monday March 16th Day 43

Today is Mapping Monday

Due Today (Share and upload to Google Classroom)

P2_LastName_CurrentEvents7 (the 7 = week #6)

Today's Assignments

This includes 2 (current event) stories.
1- needs to be within Europe and 1 needs to be from somewhere else.

Make sure you are making progress on your Europe Political and Physical Maps - your test is Thursday/Friday this week, Here is a good game to test your Country knowledge of European countries - Here   and here is another -Here

Please make sure you follow the format for Current Events - full credit will only be given if you clearly express your opinion of the event and why you chose to write on it.

Objective: Each student will be able to identify a current event story, summarize its key components into a summary paragraph, as well as plotting the location of the story on a map of the country in which it occurred.

Rationale: Students need to gain a better understanding of events occurring around the world and where those places are located.

Evidence: By summarizing a story and plotting it on a map, students will show evidence of a global perspective on events affecting the world beyond their immediate surrounding.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thursday & Friday March 12th and 13th Days 41 & 42

Imperialism Continued....

Objective: Provided  2 opposing viewpoints on Imperialism (one supporting and one condemning) students will evaluate the positive and negative outcomes of imperialism and argue through a single page "advertisement" warning or supporting imperialism to to population of a fictitious country. 

Rationale: It is important for students to understand that imperialism has two faces, one can be seen for its benefits the other through it exploitation. Its not all good or all bad, and students should be able to identify those attributes.

Evidence: By making a single page advertisement, students will demonstrate an understanding of why imperialism  can be seen as a benefit or a burden on a society.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday & Wednesday March 10th and 11th, Days 39 & 40

Guns Germs and Steel continued...(Part 2)

Objective: Provided  the prologue to Jared Diamonds Guns Germs & Steel book, as well as the opportunity to see the second part of the video Guns Germs and Steel, students will be able to list and describe the key elements Diamond identifies for his reasoning for cultural dominance among the various historical and current cultures around the world.

Rationale: It is important for students to understand the factors that lead to cultural development and dismiss unfounded claims of racial superiority theories.

Evidence: Students should be able to list factors that disprove the racial superiority theory with actual evidence of how cultures developed their dominance.

We will see part 2 of Guns Germs and Steel.
Questions for part 2 are -Here

Once part 2 is finished we will take a quiz covering the major points shown in parts 1 & 2.

After the quiz we will introduce the history of Imperialism for Europe with a Crash Course Video from John Green -

After the Video we will start the Imperialism presentation
The presentation will establish the foundation for why countries used imperialism/colonization as a means to spread their influence and control around the world.

Upon completion for the presentation, students will be doing an activity in which they determine of Imperialism is good or bad.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday March 9th Day 38

Today is Mapping Monday

Due Today (Share and upload to Google Classroom)

P2_LastName_CurrentEvents6 (the 6 = week #6)

Today's Assignments

This includes 2 (current event) stories.
1- needs to be within Europe and 1 needs to be from somewhere else.

Make sure you are making progress on your Europe Political and Physical Maps.

Objective: Each student will be able to identify a current event story, summarize its key components into a summary paragraph, as well as plotting the location of the story on a map of the country in which it occurred.

Rationale: Students need to gain a better understanding of events occurring around the world and where those places are located.

Evidence: By summarizing a story and plotting it on a map, students will show evidence of a global perspective on events affecting the world beyond their immediate surrounding.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thursday & Friday March 5th & 6th Days 36 & 37

Guns Germs and Steel continued...

Objective: Provided  the prologue to Jared Diamonds Guns Germs & Steel book, as well as the opportunity to see the first part of the video Guns Germs and Steel, students will be able to list and describe the key elements Diamond identifies for his reasoning for cultural dominance among the various historical and current cultures around the world.

Rationale: It is important for students to understand the factors that lead to cultural development and dismiss unfounded claims of racial superiority theories.

Evidence: Students should be able to list factors that disprove the racial superiority theory with actual evidence of how cultures developed their dominance.

We will spend this block finishing the Prologue to Guns Germs and Steel as well as watching the remainder of Part 1 of the Movie Guns Germs and Steel.

Guns Germs and Steel Article -Here

Guns Germs and Steel Final assessment - Here

Mapping Monday will require you to upload Current Events #6

My assessment of the Prologue - Here
Closure Activity - Here

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Tuesday & Wednesday March 3rd and 4th Days 34 & 35

Guns Germs and Steel continued...

Objective: Given the prologue to Jared Diamonds Guns Germs & Steel book, students will be able to list the key elements Diamond identifies for his reasoning for cultural development among the various historical and current cultures around the world is an paragraph format.

Rationale: It is important for students to understand the factors that lead to cultural development and dismiss unfounded claims of racial superiority theories.

Evidence: Students should be able to list factors that disprove the racial superiority theory with actual evidence of how those theories are false.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Monday March 2 Day 33

Today is Mapping Monday

Due Today (Share and upload to Google Classroom)

P2_LastName_CurrentEvents5 (the 5 = week #5)

Today's Assignments

This includes 2 (current event) stories.
1- needs to be within Europe and 1 needs to be from somewhere else.

Guns Germs and Steel annotations (you should be threw Page 5 starting on Page 6)

Make sure you are making progress on your Europe Political and Physical Maps.

Objective: Each student will be able to identify a current event story, summarize its key components into a summary paragraph, as well as plotting the location of the story on a map of the country in which it occurred.

Rationale: Students need to gain a better understanding of events occurring around the world and where those places are located.

Evidence: By summarizing a story and plotting it on a map, students will show evidence of a global perspective on events affecting the world beyond their immediate surrounding.