Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thursday & Friday March 26th & 27th Days 51 & 52

Thursday Friday March 26th & 27th

Objective: Provided  a blank map of Africa, students will be able to identify the various territories colonized by various European countries, while listing both positive and negative consequences to both colonized people and the colonizing country from a Primary Document DBQ exercise.

Rationale: Understanding the past colonization of current African nations will assist students in understanding the current cultural practices exhibited in Independent African Nations

Evidence: By coloring-in and identifying African nations based on their colonizers, students will gain a better understanding of some of the current cultural characteristics such as religion, language, transportation systems, etc.

Berlin Conference

The second presentation will cover the Berlin Conf and the splitting-up of Africa - Here
This ppt will also contain information that will be used to color and identify the Splitting-up of Africa
You will access the Colonial Map of Africa and identify the various colonies established by each country -Blank Africa Colonization Map


British Opinion regarding Imperialism


Imperialism DBQ

After the Map has been identified each student will answer a quick little Survey - Here
The answers to this survey should help students think about the concept of Imperialism from a moral perspective.

Next students will answer questions on several primary documents. This assignment will be saved as
Introduction Document -Background
Document A -Here
Document B - Here
Document C - Here
Document D - Here
Document E - Here
Document F - Here