Monday, March 23, 2015

Tuesday & Wednesday March 24th and 25th Days 49 & 50

Print out and bring this map with you for Thursday/Friday class

Blank Berlin Conf Map Map Here

Continuation of Indust Revo and Berlin Conf video's and articles

Objective: Provided  2 opposing viewpoints on Imperialism (one supporting and one condemning) students will evaluate the positive and negative outcomes of imperialism and argue through a single page "advertisement" warning or supporting imperialism to to population of a fictitious country. 

Rationale: It is important for students to understand that imperialism has two faces, one can be seen for its benefits the other through it exploitation. Its not all good or all bad, and students should be able to identify those attributes.

Evidence: By making a single page advertisement, students will demonstrate an understanding of why imperialism  can be seen as a benefit or a burden on a society.


Here is the Intro reading to the Situation in Africa (this was assigned last week) - Here


Berlin Conference

After the reading a follow-up short video will be watched to make sure everyone undertands the circumstances that led to the Berlin Conference, as well as the outcome. Here

Questionnaires for both videos (you should have the 1st half of these answered from last week) -  Here

Once the Video is finished you should upload your answers to the Class room Folder assignment in Google Classroom

Imperialism Pro-Con & Advertisement Project

The students will be broken into pairs. (students sitting at an even number will be assigned the paragraph by Paul Leroy-Beilieu, and the students sitting in odd numbered seats will be assigned the paragraph by Mark Twain)

Students will be partnered based on their numbers. Odd number pairings (1,3) (5,7) (9,11) (13,15) (17,19) (21,23) (25,27) (29,31) (33,35) Even Number pairings (2,4) (6,8) (10,12) (14,16) (18,20) (22,24) (26,28) (30,32) (34,36)

Even numbered students - “The Desirability of  Imperialism” by Paul Leroy-Beilieu.  -Here

Odd numbered students - Mark Twain’s brief piece condemning Imperialism. - Here

Project - the paragraph you were assigned has 3 pages. The 1st page is the paragraph regarding imperialism, the 2nd page is the 3 questions you need to answer and submit to Google Classroom. The 3rd page contains lots of details/examples that can be used when creating your project.

Your Project is to create an advertisement promoting or discouraging (based on which paragraph you were assigned) the idea of Imperialism. Imagine being citizens of a fictitious country.  A campaign has begun to consider colonizing another country. The decision will be decided based on a vote from the population.
Use the information presented in the paragraph as well as the supporting details to devise a 8.5 X 11 presentation page to convince the public your side is right.  Think of it as an advertisement in a magazine, and you are trying to sell a product (like a car advertisement) OR convince people they should never buy it (like an ad explaining all the harmful effects of  cigarettes).
Be creative, use graphics, and other tools you have used in the past. Look-up examples of advertisements and steal some of the ideas you like.