Sunday, February 25, 2018

Monday Feb 26th Day 30

Current Events Mapping Monday's

The next Mapping Unit we are doing is Africa

Objective: Given access to a Chromebook, students will be able to access Google MyMaps App and a Google Drive based Current Events Template from the class Blog. Using the MyMaps app and the template, students will be able to look-up current events and summarize their selected story on the template. In addition, students will be able to use the MyMaps app to plot the location of these current event stories. 

Rationale: Students need to utilize the tools taught to them to ensure the learning becomes a part of their skill set. In addition, students need to become geographical aware of the world around them.

Evidence: Filling-in the Current Events template as well as using MyMaps to plot the location of the stories, will demonstrate that students have acquired the basic skills of fulfilling the  assignment.