Monday, March 7, 2016

Monday March 7th Day 34

Mapping Monday- Africa

 Today's schedule

Current Event  #11, #12 on Africa is Due

Objective - Given a set of blank maps, and a list of political and physical items, students will be able to access on-line atlases to locate and properly list the items within a defined country/continent using the proper mapping techniques learned in class.

Rationale - Students current geographical awareness is sorely lacking, and this activity will assists in changing that deficiency

Evidence - By correctly listing and labeling the various geographical items on a map, students will demonstrate their understanding of where items are located.

Start our Next Mapping Unit on

Current Events #13 #14 due next Monday - Latin america

Continuation of Population Unit starts Tuesday

Latin America Maps will be the next Geography Unit

Latin America
South America Blank Maps - Here  
Central America Maps -  Here  
List of Political and Physical features - Here