Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thursday & Friday March 24th & 25th Days 46 & 47

OBJECTIVE: Given a chromebook with access to the internet as well as access to their Google drive acct, students will research data about their selected country and will build an Infographic following specific category guidelines. 

Given a chromebook with access to the internet, student will access specific population related data tables and visually represent that data in a graphic form.

RATIONALE: Students need to understand the key population components that are present in each country to understand their challenges as it relates to the country's development stage.

Students need to understand the various causes/forces which propel a country along the various stages of economic and social development within a Democratic Transition Model process

EVIDENCE: By building an Infographic, students will demonstrate the ability to locate specific data from a data packet, translate that data into a graph or chart, and then display that data in an Infographic for easier understanding.

Population Test

Journal Entry -What factors lead children into gender roles and what does that mean for equality, opportunity, and expected behaviors that are deemed "normal."  Read the article below and be ready to comment on this...

Is it ok they way we raise girls and boys as long as there's no stigma attached  for "acting out of the norm".....OR.....should we acknowledge the way we currently raise kids and adjust to prevent the gender roles it creates to end the social effects (positive or negative)

The article addresses equal pay for women, but explains how society as a whole is responsible (in some way) for the current climate where women are paid lower.
Here is the article

Another great article today, the process of Artificial Intelligence (SIRI or Cortana) and how that tech can be corrupted pretty quick, which raises the question of AI being used for discriminatory reasons without a conscience of impact

Racist Artificial Intelligence

Population Test

Lastly, we will cover some current events
