Thursday, September 7, 2017

Thursday & Friday Sept 7th & 8th Days 16 & 17

Day 1 of the Fairy Tale Project - 

Objective: Given access to a fully functioning Chromebook with access to Google Docs, students will be able to apply the 5 themes of geography to rewrite a classic Fairy Tale and have it occur in a completely different culture from the original

Rationale: Understanding how the 5 themes effects different locations and therefore would affect how stories are told in those locations allows for students to see the world from a different perspective.

Evidence: Building the Fairy Tale to accurately reflect the new location will demonstrate evidenc tha the student undeetands the 5 themes of geography

You will be paired with another student, you will collectively decide on a Fairy Tale as well as a new location in which to depict the story.


5 Themes Fairy Tale Project ( Overview)
 ( Questionnaire Sheet ),  ( Rewrite Directions )  ( example )

Make a Key for your rewrite, select a color for each Theme, put the story in a table in a doc (2 Columns, 1 Row). Place all the updates in the right column (see below for example)

Culture Grams Page from the class blog is where you can get a valuable resource to find the replacement items (the ones you fill-in on the questionnaire) for your story.