Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Tuesday & Wednesday Sept 19th & 20th Days 24 & 25

Fairy Tale Project - Gallery Walk and Evaluation

Objective: Given access to a fully functioning Chromebook with access to Google Docs, students will be displaying their fairy tale rewrite for their classmates to evaluate. Students will be able to identify the 5 themes within the fairy tale rewrite and evaluate the information to see if each fairy tale followed the guidelines of the assignment

Rationale:  Understanding how the 5 themes effect different locations and therefore would affect how stories are told in those locations allows for students to see the world from a different perspective.

Evidence: Accurately evaluating the various stories will demonstrate a student's ability to identify the 5 Themes within Culturally based fairy tales.

Once the Gallery Walk is finished, students will start the Mapping of the school Project -

1st assignment is to read and complete the Early Mapmaking Article

Here is the directions sheet for the Mapping of the School project and the checklist of items
Mapping of the school project - Directions Sheet there are 2 school maps included on the directions sheet download. Use these two maps for your assignment.

Mapping Directions PDF