Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Tuesday & Wednesday Sept 12th & 13th Days 19 & 20

Day 2 of the Fairy Tale Project - 

Objective: Given access to a fully functioning Chromebook with access to Google Docs, students will be able to apply the 5 themes of geography to rewrite a classic Fairy Tale and have it occur in a completely different culture from the original

Rationale: Understanding how the 5 themes effects different locations and therefore would affect how stories are told in those locations allows for students to see the world from a different perspective.

Evidence: Building the Fairy Tale to accurately reflect the new location will demonstrate evidenc tha the student undeetands the 5 themes of geography

You will be paired with another student, you will collectively decide on a Fairy Tale as well as a new location in which to depict the story.

Questionnaire due by the end of the Block today

Rewrite due by the start of the next Block 

Final Project due by the start of the 1st Block next week 

Make a Key for your rewrite, select a color for each Theme, put the story in a table in a doc (2 Columns, 1 Row). Place all the updates in the right column (see below for example)

5 Themes Fairy Tale Project ( Overview)

Culture Grams Page from the class blog is where you can get a valuable resource to find the replacement items (the ones you fill-in on the questionnaire) for your story.class blog id s get resource to find the replacement items for your story.