Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Tuesday & Wednesday Feb 28th & March 1st, Day 30 & 31


OBJECTIVE: Given a chromebook with access to the internet as well as access to their Google drive acct, students will research data about their selected country and fill-in a data sheet. This data sheet will be used to build an Infographic on a Poster Board

Given a chromebook with access to the internet, student will record information presented in a powerpoint and fill-in a data chart for the various stages of a "Democratic Transition Model"

RATIONALE: Students need to understand the key population components that are present in each country to understand their challenges as it relates to advancing along the Demographic Transition Model sequence from a lower stage country to a more modern stage country.

Students need to understand the various causes/forces which propel a country along the various stages of economic and social development within a Democratic Transition Model process

EVIDENCE: By filling in the chart, students will become demonstrate the ability to locate specific data from a data packet, translate that data into a graph or chart, and then display that data in an Infographic for easier understanding.

By filling in their chart, students will be able to identify how demographers classify countries along the Demographic Transition Model, and will be able to identify where "their country" (the one they selected as part of the Infographic project) is located. 

Today we will finish with the Demographic Transition Model Presentation (stages 3-5). As I present the information, fill-in your DTM chart.

Hans Rosling - The Magic Washing Machine
Magic Washing Machine

Students should be aware of the main ideas presented in this article
A Brief History of Population

The remainder of the block will be for infographic work time.


Sunday, February 26, 2017

Monday Feb 27th Day 29

Current Events Mapping Monday's

The next Mapping Unit we are doing is Africa

Objective: Given access to a Chromebook, students will be able to access Google MyMaps App and a Google Drive based Current Events Template from the class Blog. Using the MyMaps app and the template, students will be able to look-up current events and summarize their selected story on the template. In addition, students will be able to use the MyMaps app to plot the location of these current event stories. 

Rationale: Students need to utilize the tools taught to them to ensure the learning becomes a part of their skill set. In addition, students need to become geographical aware of the world around them.

Evidence: Filling-in the Current Events template as well as using MyMaps to plot the location of the stories, will demonstrate that students have acquired the basic skills of fulfilling the  assignment.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Thursday & Friday Feb 16th & 17th Days 27 & 28


OBJECTIVE: Given a chromebook with access to the internet as well as access to their Google drive acct, students will research data about their selected country and fill-in a data sheet. This data sheet will be used to build an Infographic on a Poster Board

Given a chromebook with access to the internet, student will record information presented in a powerpoint and fill-in a data chart for the various stages of a "Democratic Transition Model"

RATIONALE: Students need to understand the key population components that are present in each country to understand their challenges as it relates to advancing along the Demographic Transition Model sequence from a lower stage country to a more modern stage country.

Students need to understand the various causes/forces which propel a country along the various stages of economic and social development within a Democratic Transition Model process

EVIDENCE: By filling in the chart, students will become demonstrate the ability to locate specific data from a data packet, translate that data into a graph or chart, and then display that data in an Infographic for easier understanding.

By filling in their chart, students will be able to identify how demographers classify countries along the Demographic Transition Model, and will be able to identify where "their country" (the one they selected as part of the Infographic project) is located. 
Today we will finish with the Demographic Transition Model Presentation (stages 3-5). As I present the information, fill-in your DTM chart you made last week.

Thomas Malthus theory of Population - CrashCourse

Each student will select a country to create their population pyramid and infographic.

Hans Rosling - DTM Stages TED talk
This short video will be followed by a short TED conference video from Hans Rosling about the Population Growing Box by Box - Population Growth Box by Box


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Tuesday & Wednesday Feb 14th & 15th Days 25 & 26

Baby Dino presentation


OBJECTIVE: Given a chromebook with access to the internet as well as access to their Google drive acct, students will research data about their selected country and fill-in a data sheet. This data sheet will be used to build an Infographic on a Poster Board

Given a chromebook with access to the internet, student will record information presented in a powerpoint and fill-in a data chart for the various stages of a "Democratic Transition Model"

RATIONALE: Students need to understand the key population components that are present in each country to understand their challenges as it relates to advancing along the Demographic Transition Model sequence from a lower stage country to a more modern stage country.

Students need to understand the various causes/forces which propel a country along the various stages of economic and social development within a Democratic Transition Model process

EVIDENCE: By filling in the chart, students will become demonstrate the ability to locate specific data from a data packet, translate that data into a graph or chart, and then display that data in an Infographic for easier understanding.

By filling in their chart, students will be able to identify how demographers classify countries along the Demographic Transition Model, and will be able to identify where "their country" (the one they selected as part of the Infographic project) is located. 
Today we will start with the Demographic Transition Model Presentation (stages 1-5). As I present the information, fill-in your DTM chart you made last week.

Population Pyramids (after Stage 2 has been filled-in on the table)

Each student will select a country to create their population pyramid and infographic.

Hans Rosling - DTM Stages TED talk
This short video will be followed by a short TED conference video from Hans Rosling about the Population Growing Box by Box - Population Growth Box by Box


Monday, February 13, 2017

Monday Feb 13th Day 24

Assignments due Today 

Latin America Political & Physical Maps
Current Events #5 - South America

Current Events Mapping Monday's

Objective: Given access to a Chromebook, students will be able to access Google MyMaps App and a Google Drive based Current Events Template from the class Blog. Using the MyMaps app and the template, students will be able to look-up current events and summarize their selected story on the template. In addition, students will be able to use the MyMaps app to plot the location of these current event stories. 

Rationale: Students need to utilize the tools taught to them to ensure the learning becomes a part of their skill set. In addition, students need to become geographical aware of the world around them.

Evidence: Filling-in the Current Events template as well as using MyMaps to plot the location of the stories, will demonstrate that students have acquired the basic skills of fulfilling the  assignment.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Thursday & Friday Feb 9th & 10th Days 22 & 23

China's One Child Policy

Objective: Given access to several primary source materials dealing with the various components affecting the One Child Policy in China, students will be able to explain with supporting detail their opinion on if the policy was a good idea or a bad idea, using a chart to identify the various strengths and weaknesses of the system.

Rationale: Overpopulation is a very real issue affecting the world today, and will become a bigger issue for countries if they are unable to support their population. China faced this real problem in the 1980's, and students should understand the decision china took and the consequences (both good and bad) for those decisions.

Evidence: By arguing through evidence that the One Child Policy was good or bad, the student will demonstrate their understanding of the various factors which went into the Policy and the effects of its implementation.

The below assignments will be due During the Next class block (Thursday/Friday). The block Thursday and Friday will be dedicated to completing the Digital version of the Infographic.


One Child Policy Video -  DTM and the One Child Policy

Students should re-watch the video above and take notes regarding the details of the Policy. Within the video, the narrator shows several presentation slides with information each student should know for the population test.

Step 1: As a table group, share the answers to the doc(s) you were assigned. Once that is been completed, take a look at step 2.

Step 2: Students will group the documents based on a common theme into sections of the grouping chart  - This is the Grouping Chart. This activity will allow students to group similar ideas addressing the One Child Policy. One student should submit the grouping chart (with the answered included). Save the doc using the last names of the students in the group, listing them alphabetically.

Step 3: The last step is to read and answer the last "summary" article regarding the One Child Policy - Part 2 Article & Q's
Questions and Answer Sheet (this is the sheet with questions and places for answers, and will be the doc you upload to Google Classroom)

Demographic Transition Presentation and Notes Chart

DTM chart (this is the DTM picture) this graphic will be placed onto a new Google Doc.
Population Pyramids Graphic - this graphic will be placed onto the same Google Doc. Place this graphic below the DTM chart.

Below the two graphics students will insert a table that is 7 rows by 6 columns
Format the table just like the example below
This is what your doc should look like when finished

Monday, February 6, 2017

Tuesday & Wednesday Feb 7th & 8th Days 20 & 21

China's One Child Policy

Objective: Given access to several primary source materials dealing with the various components affecting the One Child Policy in China, students will be able to explain with supporting detail their opinion on if the policy was a good idea or a bad idea, using a chart to identify the various strengths and weaknesses of the system.

Rationale: Overpopulation is a very real issue affecting the world today, and will become a bigger issue for countries if they are unable to support their population. China faced this real problem in the 1980's, and students should understand the decision china took and the consequences (both good and bad) for those decisions.

Evidence: By arguing through evidence that the One Child Policy was good or bad, the student will demonstrate their understanding of the various factors which went into the Policy and the effects of its implementation.

The below assignments will be due During the Next class block (Thursday/Friday). The block Thursday and Friday will be dedicated to completing the Digital version of the Infographic.



Today's work will be turned-in as 1 Google document
- Answers to the 4 assigned "letter" articles
-Grouping Chart
-Additional Information Article

Student sample of Population Growth paragraph (these are 2 examples of they type of response I was hoping to see)

Population Background Video

One Child Pro Con

Step 1:
You are providing your "Best Guess" as to pro and con on these issues
We will start with the intro chart. Each table (4 people) will answer the chart separately, then will share their answers and combine answers into one doc.
China One Child Policy Introduction Chart - Intro Chart Assignment (each student will fill in a doc)

One the chart has been filled-in, tables will share-out their answers and compare to the rest of the class.

Step 2:
The next step in the process is to watch the short Video on the One Child Policy
One Child Policy Video -  DTM and the One Child Policy
When watching this video, students will be required to take notes regarding the details of the Policy. Within the video, the narrator shows several presentation slides with information each student should copy down in their Population notes.

Step 3:
After the video students will then access the One Child Policy Essay and Questions. These questions can be discussed at your table. China One Policy Intro reading -
Intro Article Regarding One Child Policy (read the 1-page summary yourself, but you can collaborate on the answers)
Question and Answer Sheet (this is where you place the answers to each question, and upload the do into Google Classroom folder when finished)

Step 4: Students will split up responsibilities at their table with each student being assigned a separate DBQ document.  (There are 4 students per table, so 3 of you will have 2 of the docs and one will be assigned only 1) Each document has a reading and questions. Each student will be responsible for their assigned documents and questions. When finished each table should share their findings and discuss the main theme of the document. Students will upload their assigned doc answers to a Google Classroom folder. Save your doc using the two letters of the doc you were assigned...such as A_E, if you were assigned only 1, save the doc such as...Single_B.
Doc A
Doc B
Doc C
Doc D
Doc E
Doc F
Doc G

Step 5: Once this is completed, students will group the document based on a common theme into sections of the chart  - Grouping Chart - Grouping Chart. This activity will allow students to group similar ideas addressing the One Child Policy.

Step 6: The last step is to read and answer the last "summary" article regarding the One Child Policy - Part 2 Article & Q's
Questions and Answer Sheet (this is the sheet with questions and places for answers, and will be the doc you upload to Google Classroom)

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Monday Feb 6th Day 19

Assignments due Today 

 Current Events #4 - South America


Latin America
South America Blank Maps - Here  
Central America Maps -  Here  
List of Political and Physical features - Here

Current Events Mapping Monday's

Objective: Given access to a Chromebook, students will be able to access Google MyMaps App and a Google Drive based Current Events Template from the class Blog. Using the MyMaps app and the template, students will be able to look-up current events and summarize their selected story on the template. In addition, students will be able to use the MyMaps app to plot the location of these current event stories. 

Rationale: Students need to utilize the tools taught to them to ensure the learning becomes a part of their skill set. In addition, students need to become geographical aware of the world around them.

Evidence: Filling-in the Current Events template as well as using MyMaps to plot the location of the stories, will demonstrate that students have acquired the basic skills of fulfilling the  assignment.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Thursday & Friday Feb 2nd & 3rd, Days 17 & 18

Population Control

To start today, you will use the World Data Packet to find statistics to answer the questions listed in the doc below.

Short video on growing population (I will show this in class, please do not click it)

World Data Sheet Questions
World Population Resource Packet

Once you have finished finding the answers and placing them in the doc, submit your answers to the google Classroom folder.

Video about the various stages of demographic transition ( I will show this in class, please do not click it)

I will present the 1st part of the Demographic Transition Model presentation, and if time permits we will start the One Child Policy of China.