Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tuesday and Wednesday March 31st and Apr 1st (Days 56 & 57)

By this day we would have finished the DTM presentation, and your chart would have been filled-in. We would have started the Textbook Chapter 31 on China with the first set of questions due last night, your second set of questions would be assigned today along with the materials listed below. I will create Google Classroom Folders for each of the items on this blog page

Chapter 31 Section #3 Q's 1-4 on Page 669 Due Wed/Thursday Night (Google Classroom)

1st we will complete a World population Prediction chart (Google Classroom). The idea behind this activity is to get you to think about some world predictions you may have as it relates to Population. The only way this works correctly is if you make your predictions BEFORE looking at the data circle image. Once you have made your predictions, then open the data circle image and find the correct answers. When you find them, fill them in the chart in the lower section. Once finished upload to Google Classroom

Demographic Transition Model &

China's One Child Policy

Objective: Given access to several primary source materials dealing with the various components affecting the One Child Policy in China, students will be able to explain with supporting detail their opinion on if the policy was a good idea or a bad idea, using a chart to identify the various strengths and weaknesses of the system.

Rationale: Overpopulation is a very real issue affecting the world today, and will become a bigger issue for countries if they are unable to support their population. China faced this real problem in the 1980's, and students should understand the decision china took and the consequences (both good and bad) for those decisions.

Evidence: By arguing through evidence that the One Child Policy was good or bad, the student will demonstrate their understanding of the various factors which went into the Policy and the effects of its implementation.

Today's work will be turned-in as 1 Google document
- Answers to the 4 assigned "letter" articles
-Grouping Chart
-Additional Information Article

One Child Policy Video

One way of addressing massive population growth is limiting the number of babies being born. China undertook this idea In 1979, the Chinese government introduced a policyrequiring couples from China's ethnic Han majority to limit themselves to one child. The official start of implementation came in 1980, with an open letter issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Step 1:
You are providing your "Best Guess" as to pro and con on these issues
We will start with the intro chart. Each table (4 people) will answer the chart separately, then will share their answers and combine answers into one doc.
China One Child Policy Introduction Chart - Intro Chart Assignment (Google Classroom) (each student will fill in a doc)

One the chart has been filled-in, tables will share-out their answers and compare to the rest of the class.

China One Child Video VICE NEWS (1:20)

Step 2:
The next step in the process is to watch the short Video on the One Child Policy
One Child Policy Video -  DTM and the One Child Policy
When watching this video, students will be encouraged to add notes to their own DTM chart

Step 3:
After the video students will then access the One Child Policy Essay and Questions. These questions can be discussed at your table. China One Policy Intro reading -
Intro Article Regarding One Child Policy (Google Classroom) (read the 1-page summary yourself, but you can collaborate on the answers)
Student answer sheet that goes with the above doc (Google Classroom)

Steps 4-6 Will be for Thursday and Friday

Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday March 30th (Day 55)

Today's schedule

Population and Asia Unit

Chapter 31 Section #2 Q's 1-6 on Page 658 Due tonight (Google Classroom)

Current Events -Asia (or Middle East)  #9 

Objective: Given access to a Chromebook, students will be able to access Google MyMaps App and a Google Drive based Current Events Template from the class Blog. Using the MyMaps app and the template, students will be able to look-up current events and summarize their selected story on the template. In addition, students will be able to use the MyMaps app to plot the location of these current event stories. 

Rationale: Students need to utilize the tools taught to them to ensure the learning becomes a part of their skill set. In addition, students need to become geographical aware of the world around them.

Evidence: Filling-in the Current Events template as well as using MyMaps to plot the location of the stories, will demonstrate that students have acquired the basic skills of fulfilling the  assignment.




Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thursday & Friday March 26th and 27th Days 53 & 54

Demographic Transition Model &

China's One Child Policy....coming up Thursday/Friday

Objective: Given access to several primary source materials dealing with the various components affecting the One Child Policy in China, students will be able to explain with supporting detail their opinion on if the policy was a good idea or a bad idea, using a chart to identify the various strengths and weaknesses of the system.

Rationale: Overpopulation is a very real issue affecting the world today, and will become a bigger issue for countries if they are unable to support their population. China faced this real problem in the 1980's, and students should understand the decision china took and the consequences (both good and bad) for those decisions.

Evidence: By arguing through evidence that the One Child Policy was good or bad, the student will demonstrate their understanding of the various factors which went into the Policy and the effects of its implementation.


Continue on DTM chart  - continue to use the presentation to fill-in the DTM chart
Presentation to be used for filling-in the Demographic Transition Model chart

Time to work on Infographic - Directions Sheet

Start the Population Pyramid Process - Population Pyramid Directions

Textbook Assignments
Chapter 31 China - Q's 1-6 on page 658 - Submit by Monday Night

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tuesday/Thursday March 24th & 25th Days 51 & 52

For Tuesday/Wed

Video about the various stages of demographic transition ( I will show this in class, please do not click it)

When this is finished I will deliver a presentation that you will follow and fill-in the chart posted on Thursday/Fri of last week

Presentation to be used for filling-in the Demographic Transition Model chart

When we finish the presentation we will watch another video, and then the remainder of the time you will begin to work on your infographic (data gathering step)

Once you have finished finding the answers and placing them in the doc, submit your answers to the Google Classroom folder.

Demographic Transition Model Article
Student answer form for DTM Article

Monday, March 23, 2020

Monday March 23rd Day 50

Today's schedule

Current Events - Asia

Objective: Given access to a Chromebook, students will be able to access Google MyMaps App and a Google Drive based Current Events Template from the class Blog. Using the MyMaps app and the template, students will be able to look-up current events and summarize their selected story on the template. In addition, students will be able to use the MyMaps app to plot the location of these current event stories. 

Rationale: Students need to utilize the tools taught to them to ensure the learning becomes a part of their skill set. In addition, students need to become geographical aware of the world around them.

Evidence: Filling-in the Current Events template as well as using MyMaps to plot the location of the stories, will demonstrate that students have acquired the basic skills of fulfilling the  assignment.




Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thursday & Friday March 19 & 20th Days 48 & 49

Population Control - Day 2 (continued)

World Population Sheet Questions. World Data Sheet Questions
World Population Resource PDF (2019)

Assignment #2-

World Population Site
Student question/answer sheet

Once you have finished finding the answers and placing them in the doc, submit your answers to the Google Classroom folder.

Demographic Transition Model Article
Student answer form for DTM Article

Video about the various stages of demographic transition ( I will show this in class, please do not click it)

When this is finished I will deliver a presentation that you will follow and fill-in the chart we made before the break.


Tuesday/Wednesday March 17th and 18th Days 46 & 47

Population Control

World Population Sheet Questions. World Data Sheet Questions
World Population Resource PDF (2019)

Assignment #2-

World Population Site
Student question/answer sheet

Next we will have you take a stand on 18 population-related questions, once you have finished the first assignment, you will select one statement of the 18, and on a separate doc, write a paragraph explaining your position on the statement.

18 Statements Agree or Disagree
Make a stand, convince me you're right!

Lastly, we will be building the DTM chart, and you will be selecting your country for the Infographic Project (World Country alphabetical list)
Infographic Directions Sheet
Category List

Download and place the DTM chart pic onto a new blank doc
DTM Graph pic
After that, download and place the population pyramid pic onto the same doc just below the DTM pic
Pyramid pic
Once those two pics are on the doc, insert a table (6 Columns and 7 rows) and label it like the one below


Monday, March 16, 2020

Monday March 16th Day 45

Monday March 16th....and beyond

I plan on posting materials here as if we had a normal class...NONE OF THESE ASSIGNMENTS ARE REQUIRED AND NONE WILL IMPACT YOUR GRADE....more to follow soon

Friday, March 13, 2020

Thursday & Friday March 12th and 13th Days 43 & 44

Today is the Africa Test
as well as the Imperialism Test

No School for the next 3 weeks starting tonight (Friday the 13th).
I will send out any updates I get

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Tuesday & Wednesday March 10 & 11th Days 41 & 42

Chapter 27 Section #1 Quiz

Scramble for Africa Simulation

Motives for Imperialism - Last week you completed and submitted a DBQ on the various Motives of Imperialism. The Motives were...

Economic Motives
Exploratory Motives
Military Motives
Political Motives
Religious Motives
Ideological Motives

You will be assigned to table groups of  7 each. 

Step 1 - look at the resource and civilization maps to figure out the "Landscape of Africa"
Civilizations and Tribes
Waterways Map
Trade Routes
Natural Resources (modern day)

Once you have selected your country, go to its link below and use that information to fill-in the Scramble for Africa Start Sheet


Open the doc below, make a copy and fill it in. You will use the resource of the country link you selected to obtain the information.

There will be four groups in the class playing the game.
Each group will have a unique code specifically for their group.

ONE member of the table group go to the Simulation website, and generate the game code for your table. Each other member enters the game code and selects the country they are representing.

Site for Simulation

We will play the game 2X, the second time the point total will count for 5 points extra credit

Monday, March 9, 2020

Monday Mar 9th Day 40

Today's schedule

Africa and Imperialism Unit

Chapter 26 Section #1 & #2 Quiz 

Current Events - Africa #7

Chapter 27 Section #1 Q's 1-6 on Page 568
Monday Night for Everyone

Objective: Given access to a Chromebook, students will be able to access Google MyMaps App and a Google Drive based Current Events Template from the class Blog. Using the MyMaps app and the template, students will be able to look-up current events and summarize their selected story on the template. In addition, students will be able to use the MyMaps app to plot the location of these current event stories. 

Rationale: Students need to utilize the tools taught to them to ensure the learning becomes a part of their skill set. In addition, students need to become geographical aware of the world around them.

Evidence: Filling-in the Current Events template as well as using MyMaps to plot the location of the stories, will demonstrate that students have acquired the basic skills of fulfilling the  assignment.




Thursday, March 5, 2020

Thursday & Friday March 5th & 6th Days 38 & 39

Today's schedule

Chapter 25 Section #2 Quiz

Africa and Imperialism Unit

Imperialism Pro Con Propaganda Poster Project

Chapter 26 Section #1 Q's 1-5 on Page 546 
Chapter 26 Section #2 Q's 1-5 on Page 550

Quiz on Section #1 & #2 of Chapter 26 will be Monday

Objective: Given access to a Chromebook, students will be able to access Google MyMaps App and a Google Drive based Current Events Template from the class Blog. Using the MyMaps app and the template, students will be able to look-up current events and summarize their selected story on the template. In addition, students will be able to use the MyMaps app to plot the location of these current event stories. 

Rationale: Students need to utilize the tools taught to them to ensure the learning becomes a part of their skill set. In addition, students need to become geographical aware of the world around them.

Evidence: Filling-in the Current Events template as well as using MyMaps to plot the location of the stories, will demonstrate that students have acquired the basic skills of fulfilling the  assignment.




Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Tuesday & Wednesday March 3rd & 4th Days 36 & 37

Today's schedule

Chapter 25 Section #1 Quiz

Africa and Imperialism Unit

Motivations for Imperialism Activity

Imperialism Pro Con Propaganda Poster Project

Chapter 25 Section #2 Q's 1-6 on Page 537 
Tuesday (per 1,3) Wed (per 2,4,6)

Objective: Given access to a Chromebook, students will be able to access Google MyMaps App and a Google Drive based Current Events Template from the class Blog. Using the MyMaps app and the template, students will be able to look-up current events and summarize their selected story on the template. In addition, students will be able to use the MyMaps app to plot the location of these current event stories. 

Rationale: Students need to utilize the tools taught to them to ensure the learning becomes a part of their skill set. In addition, students need to become geographical aware of the world around them.

Evidence: Filling-in the Current Events template as well as using MyMaps to plot the location of the stories, will demonstrate that students have acquired the basic skills of fulfilling the  assignment.




Sunday, March 1, 2020

Monday March 2nd Day 35

Today's schedule

Africa and Imperialism Unit

Current Events - Africa
Chapter 25 Section #2 Q's 1-6 on Page 537 
Tuesday (per 1,3) Wed (per 2,4,6)

TOMORROW (per 1,3)
Wed (per 2,4,6)

Objective: Given access to a Chromebook, students will be able to access Google MyMaps App and a Google Drive based Current Events Template from the class Blog. Using the MyMaps app and the template, students will be able to look-up current events and summarize their selected story on the template. In addition, students will be able to use the MyMaps app to plot the location of these current event stories. 

Rationale: Students need to utilize the tools taught to them to ensure the learning becomes a part of their skill set. In addition, students need to become geographical aware of the world around them.

Evidence: Filling-in the Current Events template as well as using MyMaps to plot the location of the stories, will demonstrate that students have acquired the basic skills of fulfilling the  assignment.


