Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Tuesday & Wednesday Nov 3rd & 4th Days 49 & 50

Timeline Project (Day 3)

Given a chromebook with access to Google Docs, students will be able to produce a historical Timeline of explorers, navigation tools, inventors, and maps as it relates to the history of cartography, and the expansion of european created maps, using either Google Slides OR the Hstry.co timeline maker
Rationale: Understanding the role each of the 4 contributing elements had to the history of cartography and exploration. This  will enable students to make the connections between a country or kingdoms desire for expansion, wealth, and fame and  the difficulties encountered by those exploring.

Evidence: Being able to chronologically place each of the main events/advancements/etc along a timeline will demonstrate the various influences each had on the development and advancement of cartography.

 Today's schedule

Original groups to determine the sequence of all 4 categories. By the end of the block every student should have 40 items to place on their timelines. You may start to built it if everyone at your table has their list (Date, Name, Description, Image)

Here are some examples of how timelines are styled - ( here )

Directions for Timeline Project - ( here ) you will be given class time to work on this project during this week as well as into next week.

At the end of Step 1 (Day 1 in the process) -

  • 4 things are required - Date, Name, Description and Image of each item in your category saved into your folder

Timeline Project Resources: (these can also be found on the resources page)

Early Mapmaking article- ( here )
Modern Mapmaking article- ( here )
Future Mapmaking article- ( here )
Navigation & Tools Article pdf - ( here )
Explorers History - ( here )
History of Maps presentation from class - ( here )
Navigation History - ( here )

You should also use the web to locate additional resources for the timeline
here's a site: Nautical Navigation