Friday, January 19, 2018

Thursday & Fridiay Jan 18th & 19th Days 7 & 8

Today's schedule:

We will go over the Culture Presentation and understand the various components of culture.

Culture Collage days 1-3

Given a chromebook with access to Google Docs, students will be able to build a culture collage poster representing 10 of 13 different culture categories with the use of images acquired through the web.
Rationale: Understanding the various aspects that make-up cultural uniqueness is essential to understanding one's historical cultural identify

Evidence: Being able to identify and explain the various traditional cultural artifacts that represent a culture will bring students a better understanding of their heritage.

Today's schedule- Thursday/Friday

Collage Posters need to be uploaded by today if you want me to print them out. The cost is $11.00, I will bring them to class next week (Tuesday/Wed). We will present the posters and the Puppet Fandango's on that day next week.  If you are printing out your own poster, it needs to be brought to class next week 1st Block day. In addition, plan on taking your USA Map test on that day as well. Your finished labeled/colored maps will be due when we take the test.


-Cultural Collage Directions        Cultural Fandango Directions
Cultural Collage and Fandango project
