Thursday, August 23, 2018

Thursday & Friday Aug 23rd & 24th Days 7 & 8

Four Paragraphs About Me Day 2

4 Paragraphs about me assignment - Link

Skills Objective: 

*Each student will be able to access their drive, open a new Doc, and share their work with a classmate.
*Each student will be able to use the commenting tool within Google Docs to provide commentary on their classmate's story.

Google Slides Introduction -

Google Slides/Textbook/Grit

The next tool you will be introduced to is Google Slides. 1st I will demonstrate the various tools within Slides, then we will have you build a sample slide using the various tools available.

challenge slide for Google Slides (after slides demo)

Growth Mindset and Grit

Each student will take the Grit "test" to see where they place along the grit scale.
Grit Worksheet - ( grit worksheet )

Once that is finished we will watch a short video from Angela Duckworth
Video about Grit -Grit vid
Video Open Mindset - (vid)

Current Events/ Mapping  Monday's

On Monday's (starting next week) you will turn-in 1 current event that you have selected from the news. The story should be "news-worthy" meaning it's not something that would only be shown on TMZ or a gossip magazine/website.