Thursday, January 10, 2019

Thursday & Friday Jan 10th & 11th Days 3 & 4

 Today's schedule- California Regions Activity

California Regions Activity - The state of California can be  broken into several Regions, but for this activity, we are breaking it into 4
For this assignment, students will play the role of a travel agent and create a tourist agenda for each region.

History for the "State of Jefferson" and California

Example (Calif Regions activity)

California Gold Worksheet
California Regions Explained


Given a chromebook with access to Google Docs, students will be able to research the various regions and tourist attractions in the various regions within the state.
Rationale: Understanding that California is a very varied and diverse state is important for general geographic and cultural awareness.

Evidence: Being able to identify and explain the various regions within the state and the characteristics of those regions is important
