Thursday, September 19, 2019

Thursday & Friday Sept 19th & 20th Days 26 & 27

Fairy Tale Gallery Walk Day

Mapping of the School

Day 1 of the Mapping the school scavenger Hunt project

Objective: Given access to a fully functioning Chromebook with access to Google Docs, students will import a map of the school and place various shapes and pictures on its surface to identify various locations on campus as part of a scavenger hunt activity

Rationale:  Understanding the campus and where things are located will assist Freshmen in knowing their "place" of school

Evidence: Accurately and successfully placing pics and shapes on the school map within the time allotted

You should be plotting the various classrooms onto the school map template this block if you are done with the fairy tale, or next block if you are not finished

Style #1 - Make a square, put the class number inside the square, modify the shape of the square to fit the available space, copy and paste the square for all additional classes
Style #2 - Make a larger square and use lines to separate the classes

1st assignment is to read and complete the Early Mapmaking Article located in the Google Classroom Folder 

6 Week Grading Period Ends this Friday Update your assignment sheets today!!!!