Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Tuesday & Wednesday Nov 27th & 28th Days 66 & 67

Biomes Day 2

Given a chromebook with access to Google Docs, students will be able to create a spreadsheet where information about the world biomes is recorded. In addition, students will be able to access a fictitious world map and appropriately apply various vegetation zones to the landmasses
Rationale: Understanding the origin/location of various vegetation types allows students to realize the impacts of the Columbian Exchange on their daily food intake.

Evidence: Being able to identify the various locations of where their food originated will support the concept of a globalized world and the role of trade.

The Biomes Unit will begin with a spreadsheet activity of the various climate zones

Columbian Exchange Quiz - 

Biomes Chapter Section #1 (due Tonight Tuesday)
Biomes Chapter Section #2 (due Sunday Night)

3 Maps and Keys on how to label and color them
Rainfall Key
Temperature Key
Vegetation Key

Presentation to finish chart will be available after I get you through the first 3 climates.
Climates Presentation