Thursday, April 30, 2020

Thursday & Friday April 30-May 1st Days 73 & 74

Comparative Religion Project

 Today's schedule

Under normal circumstances, today I would go into depth about the History of the Middle East Presentation. The relationship between the Middle East and Europe/West has been strained since WWI, and got even more complicated at the end of WWII and the formation of Israel in 1947 (a decision from the United Nations, which strained relationships between Israel/the West and Arab States) 

The story of the Israeli/Palestinian relationship is very complicated and has many differing opinions, I cannot do justice to the many varied events that have occurred since 1947 between these two groups. The information presented in general in nature and focusses on historical events, and does not take or make an option about who is right or wrong.

Textbook - Chapter 23 Section #5 Would be assigned... Page 499 Q's 1-5 (posted on Google Classroom) - due Sunday night.