Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Tuesday & Wed April 6th & 7th Days 61 & 62

Population Unit Last Instructional Day

Objective: Given access to several primary source materials dealing with the various components affecting the One Child Policy in China, students will be able to explain with supporting detail their opinion on if the policy was a good idea or a bad idea, using a chart to identify the various strengths and weaknesses of the system.

Rationale: Overpopulation is a very real issue affecting the world today, and will become a bigger issue for countries if they are unable to support their population. China faced this real problem in the 1980's, and students should understand the decision china took and the consequences (both good and bad) for those decisions.

Evidence: By arguing through evidence that the One Child Policy was good or bad, the student will demonstrate their understanding of the various factors which went into the Policy and the effects of its implementation.

Hans Rosling - DTM Stages - these two videos show some of the practical effects of Population growth and technology advancements - Google Classroom has the question sheet for the Video

- Population Growth Box by Box

This video of John Green in Crash Course is about Thomas Malthus and his theory about overpopulation, which would -up being very wrong, but was super scary for people of the time.

Infographic Evaluation

Directions: 1st look at your DTM graph, and get reacquainted with the data that allows you to determine a
country’s  stage (1-5). Then look for infographic projects that exhibit those specific characteristics for the stage
you need to evaluate (the order doesn’t matter but…...find a stage 2 infographic to do your evaluation on, when
finished find a stage 3, then stage 4, then stage 5). *if there are no infographics in the entire class at that stage
(which I doubt) please let me know and I will make one available.

Infographic Form (student evaluation form...make an editable copy)
18 Categories form (Instructions list of categories students should have included on their project)

Category                                                                      YES/No 1 - 5 PTS
Are all 18 Data Points listed and displayed?

Country flag, coat of arms, world map, and the individual country map displayed

Are the 3 required How To graphics present (Pop Pyr, Pop Compare, Pop growth)

PARC principle ( aligned, contrasting colors, clear easily read numbers, etc)

Use of Clipart/graphics - is the graphics or clipart selected accurately related to the subjects they are associated with?

Theme - does the infographic have a consistent theme in color?

Are there items on the infographic related to the country or region represented

Overall aesthetics - is it nice looking.

You will do this activity 4 times, one for Stage 2, 3, 4 and 5. Your data points/subjects should be very similar, but the data itself will be very different
for a stage 2 vs a stage 5 country

Now that you have identified a stage 2 country, explain what data you used and how these findings prove that it’s a stage 2 country. Your answer should be a paragraph long (5-6 sentences at least)